How do I work?
Through my openness and curiosity, I will help you develop greater awareness of your main concerns right now through compassion and understanding. I will also provide support to enable you to integrate challenging mental and emotional experiences, past and present, that negatively impact your capacity to overcome the barriers to engaging in life more fully. If you work with me therapeutically, we can find ways to explore so that you can begin to respond more creatively to familiar themes and issues from your past.
Gestalt Therapy
My main approach to counselling is gestalt therapy, which at its core upholds the value of the therapeutic relationship as a key aspect for healing and growth. The holistic approach draws upon a range of methods to enable us to become more aware of ingrained patterns of thinking and feeling and repetitive behavioural responses that limit our choices while inhibiting our growth. By applying the main principles of gestalt therapy, I will be attuned to relational themes that impact your connection to and satisfaction with life at this time and support your development of new ways of being in the world.
Holistic Therapeutic Methods
Like me, you might have been drawn to pursue an interest in who you are beyond your everyday concerns and personal history. Based on interest, l can draw upon Eastern and Western knowledge-based systems to explore with you the relatedness of mind, body, and awareness. Integrated approaches, especially Vedic therapy principles, provide a range of mind-body and behavioral practices, including yogic breathing and mind-body integration techniques. Through these methods, I will support you to develop a deeper appreciation of your natural state of being and address how to creatively approach questions on purpose and meaning.